Maximum Defiant

Maximum Defiant, created by James T. Fazar, was probably the most comprehensive website about Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s tough little ship for the time it was online.
Branding itself as the “only choice for information on the Deep Space Nine warship USS Defiant,” the website was primarily devoted to the ship itself. It leveraged information from not only the television show, but from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, the Star Trek Encyclopedia and the magazines Star Trek: Communicator and Star Trek: The Magazine.
Maximum Defiant had biographies for each of the main cast members, several hundreds of images of the ship and a “Miscellaneous” section that contained information on such various topics as the Defiant’s captain’s chair and origami starships.
There was also a “Behind the Scenes” section that contained an article about the Defiant’s design process that could well have been published here at Forgotten Trek! (Here is our designing-the-Defiant entry.)
In November 2002, Fazar announced that he had handed over management of the website to Sean P. Stephenson of LCARSCom.Net, writing:
Like a child that you love, but are unable to care for, I must hand over this web site so it can thrive and go on. I have chosen a good friend and fellow webmaster that in my opinion will take care of this website with the utmost respect and attention to detail that I always strived for.
Although Maximum Defiant came online in 1996, the earliest version available in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine is from February 2003 while the last dates from December 2004, after which it was presumably taken down.
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