Star Trek Nexus

Kasey Chang’s Star Trek Nexus aimed to provide “a link between Star Trek resources on the Internet,” listing websites, mailing lists and newsgroups. The website was online from at least 1996 and took its name from the Nexus of Star Trek Generations, which came out two years earlier.
The earliest version in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (which works remarkably well) is from January 1999. The most recent working version is from May 2008. The website didn’t change its look in that period.
Browsing all the links Chang collected makes you realize just how rich the online Star Trek fandom used to be. Not only were there dozens of database websites, covering alien races, characters, equipment and starships; there were so many chat groups, message boards and personal sites with episode reviews. Without a site like Star Trek Nexus — this was before Jam Jar’s Star Trek Links, TrekSearch (both defunct), Star Trek Wormhole, even Google — you couldn’t have found half of it.