LCARS Computer Network
Many Star Trek webmasters tried to mimic the LCARS displays of the show. Few succeeded as well as Sean P. Stephenson. His LCARS Computer Network was not just visually stunning; pre-Memory Alpha, it was one of the largest online databases of Star Trek information.
Sean launched his site in 1997. Leveraging info gleaned from the series and movies as well from reference works like The Star Trek Encyclopedia and the Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine Technical Manuals, he ultimately wrote some 1,600 entries detailing everything from alien races to starships to technologies.

By 2002, the database was pretty much complete, but Stephen continued to add book reviews, interviews and other special features. For many years, he ran a monthly contest, giving away books, DVDs, miniatures, prints and other Star Trek paraphernalia to readers who could answer obscure questions.

Sean’s last update was in 2013. The last working version of his website in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine is from August 2019. Sean also maintains his own archive of The LCARS Computer Network as a subpage to Level Seven Restricted, which is dedicated to the Marvel Universe’s S.H.I.E.L.D.